Paul and Gilly

Sunday, September 03, 2006

" Friends are like shoes"

Some loose and some tight
some fit just right
They help you as you walk
on the pathway we call life.

especially for Sarah S
who loves shoes

Pauli's Birthday

We went to this great portugese restaurant called Fernando's in Macau last weekend for Pauli's Birthday, it was fabulous and I recommend to all you Hong Konger's who haven't been yet to try it. The food is delicious, except dessert, skip that part. The Sangria is blissfully strong and gives you as great buzz and best of all its really cheap in comparrison to Soho prices that is. Very easy to get to.
Directions: Take the ferry to Macau, grab a map a the tourist desk when you arrive, change some money so you can get coins for the bus, take bus 3A (2.50 each) to Macau city center and then you can either take bus number 21 or 26 (5.00 each) from town to the beach where Fernando's is, its the last stop on the bus route. P.S. Fernando's accepts HK dollars
After our great meal we went to The Sands Casino and Wow is it huge, we decided to play roulette, but just for your info if you feel like gambling know that each chip is worth HK$25 and you cannot buy cheaper chips, luckily we doubled our money and called it quits. We had a great day. Another tip try going during the week, weekends in Macau are hectic, and you end up waiting a while for a ferry to get back and buses are choc a block full.

Check out my slithering buddy

Heh there, yes I humbly admit that I have been real slack in updating our blog, you see this month I have been a working gal so thats my excuse.
Just wanted you to meet my snake, I found him on our fence when I came home one night from a girls night out. So I do think because I had a few drinks I was brave enough to take photos of him, beautiful don't you think!!! NOT.....
I have not seen him again and don't think I want to

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