Tuesday was an extra special day, I had a surprise for Paul, today we were going to Swim with the Dolphins (-:

We were both so excited, we were picked up from the hotel and taken to Xcaret, about 25km's away. The Dophin sanctuary is called Delphinus. we were given a briefing first about the dolphins, a bit about who they were, their names, and how they came to being in the sanctuary. Because we were allowed to touch the dolphins they have to teach you which areas of the dolphins anatomy you may not touch, obviously the blowhole and the eye area. Once that was complete, we headed for the water, the dolphins came right up to us, they are so soft, we then each got a turn to kiss them. When Paul leaned forward to give the dolphin a kiss, she opened her mouth and gave him the biggest smile as you can see. The best part of the day was the "Foot Push" and Pauli was the first to go, what happens is you swim to the middle of the pool and lay on your stomach, you have a life jacket so it helps you stay afloat, then you keep your legs straight and your feet flexed. With a signal from the trainers the dolphins are off, two of them swim towards you and with their snouts they push you under your feet, one dolphin per foot, its amazing!! They lifted Pauli right out of the water, incredible to see, when they did it to me I almost lost my bikini (ha ha) but it was a terrific feeling, better than any thrill ride. We had an amazing day, the swim ended to quickly but luckily we were able to buy a DVD which captured the whole ultimate experience.
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