Paul and Gilly

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Good Hope School

At the moment, thanks to my wonderful neighbour Linda, I am able to work at Good Hope School, both Linda and I share the job of being the Principal's secretary. Good Hope is a high school, here they call it a secondary school. There are 1400 students and over 100 teachers. It's a chinese school, however all classes are taught in english. These pictures are from the School's Open Day celebrations. Each and every student is talented in some way, some of them sing, some play an instrament, others excell at sport and some like to dance the traditional lion dance. When kids apply to schools in Hong Kong, especially a school like good Hope, which is one of the best, they have to send in a CV, imagine writing a CV at the age of 10. Some of the CV's that I have seen have blown me away, like Grade 8 piano at age 12!!! Parents in Hong Kong push their kids very hard, education is everything here. One thing that is sad about most schools' is that they lack open space, when we were at school, we played sport on a field, had breaks out on the grass under trees. There is no grass at these schools', just concrete. So education may be everything but at what price?


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