Paul and Gilly

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Paul and Gilly back from SA

Hello everyone

Well we back in HK, we both had a fantastic time in South Africa, so nice to see the family,catch up with friends and of course we loved the shopping. Jet lag seems to be over however poor Paul has just left for Bahrain (sunday 4pm) so he goes back to the time zone he just tried to get over, poor bugger. As for Hong Kong, well things certainly change fast, when I left it was cold and winter, now its humid and summer, the tree that had no leaves 3 weeks ago has fully grown leaves now, the bugs are out, I have never seen so many different bugs. They make a noise too, it sounds like we live in the middle of a rain forest, crickets are quiet compared to these guys, will keep taking pics of these interesting creatures. Will post some pics of SA soon
Bye for now


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